New Committee on Education will work on the preparation of the new textbooks for the subject “Islamic religion”

The Department on Education held the first working meeting of the Committee on preparation of the new textbooks for the subject “Islamic religion”.
Members of the Committee are Ahmed Hasanov – Deputy Grand Mufti, Amir Feleti – Head of the Department on Education, Nazmie Kulova – expert at the department, Beyhan Mehmed – Regional Mufti of Kardzhali, Murat Boshnak – Regional Mufti of Pleven, Osman Ibrahimov – teacher at RS – Shumen, Muhammed Kamber – imam and a teacher, Alper Ahmed – teacher at RS – Ruse, Gyulgyun Gaygadzhova - teacher in a Qur’an course, and the lecturer at the HII Dr. Selime Hasanova.
A year ago the programs for the grades from 1st to 12th on the subject “Islamic religion” were prepared by another committee. Then the programs were approved by the Ministry of Education and Science with Order No. RD09-1474/24.07.2018 of the Minister of Education. In connection with this, the Committee for preparation of the new textbooks for the subject “Islamic religion” was established.
“The members of the Committee expressed opinion that they are ready to work hard in order to prepare the best learning content for the adolescents. They made dua to Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) to grant welfare and prosperity to the Muslim community” – the people from the Department on Education at Grand Mufti’s Office said for