50 Muslim women took part in a one-day workshop in Sofia


On February 24 (Sunday), 2019 Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia organized and held a one-day workshop. Nearly 50 women and students from the capital and Ihtiman took an active part in the event.

Lecturers of the workshop program were the Regional Mufti of Sofia Mustafa Izbishtali, who spoke on the topic “Sincerity in religion” and the Head of Publishing Department at Grand Mufti’s Office Dzhemal Hatip. He presented the topic about the three sacred months in Islam and the importance of ibadah (worship) in this three-month period.

Together with the workshop there was also organized a charity bazaar with homemade food. 

“We would like to express sincere gratitude to all who took part in the event as well as to the main organizers of the workshop – Fatme Hatip and Emine Sechkina. We are also grateful to the people who financially and morally contributed to the implementation of this noble deed”, said from Grandmufti.bg from Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia.


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