The Grand Mufti  welcomed for a meeting the president of The Turks Abroad and Related Communities Agency Abdullah Eren

The President of the The Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) AgencyAbdullah Eren visited Grand Mufti’s office onJanuary, 30(Wednesday) this year.

At the meeting the official guest and the accompanying representatives of the agency presented the project for creating good educational conditions  and providing scholarships for youths and students from abroad. This is one of YTB agency’sspheres of activity.It sets out programs for the successful educational process of foreign youths studying in Turkey, taking advantage of the state scholarships provided. The application deadline for the current school year is 20th of February.

The meeting was also attended by Vedat Ahmed, Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council and thedeputy grandmuftis Ahmed Hasanov and Murat Pingov, as well as representatives of the Embassy of Turkey in Bulgaria. The hosts and guests exchanged symbolic gifts and wished each other health and success in the initiatives.


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