“Irshad” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office held a series of one-day workshops on “The Active Imam”

Group photo of the participants in the workshop in Aytos

During the recent weeks “Irshad” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office held four workshops in total on the topic “The Active Imam” in the different parts of the country. Official guest of each of the events was the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, accompanied by the Head of “Irshad” Department Halil Hodzhov.

On November 14 and 15, 2018 workshops were held respectively in Targovishte and Aytos, and they were aimed at imams from Northern Bulgaria. There also participated the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov, the Regional Mufti of Kardzhali Beyhan Mehmed and other guests.

During the workshop in Targovishte 

The imams from the southern parts of the country had the opportunity to join the workshops which were held in the village of Kasak, Dospat region, and in the city of Plovdiv, respectively on December 3 and 4 this year.

The workshop in the city of Plovdiv

“The workshops on the work of the imams in the Muslim Denomination were held in three basic panels. The first one of them addressed the implementation of the summer Qur’an courses in the country, the activities in this field and the achieved results. The second panel was focused on the activities during the autumn-winter season and more specifically – the lectures and the sermons which take place in the mosques in the settlements.” – shared for Grandmufti.bg Resim Shamatarev from “Irshad” Department. He also added that in the third part of each of the held workshops were discussed events and questions related to the promotion of the activities of the Muslim Denomination.

During the workshop in the village of Kasak (Municipality of Dospat) 

The series of workshops, held at the end of November and the beginning of December, are part of the extended work of “Irshad” Department with regard to increasing the activeness of the imams in Bulgaria.  We would like to recall that at the end of 2017 in Sliven was held a scientific conference on “The Active Imam” in which participated more than 100 imams. According to the information from “Irshad” Department this year the format of the meetings is a little bit different in order to achieve greater efficiency from the work in connection with the work in this direction.   


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