The heritage of Muhammad (pbuh)


 Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?(Ad-Duhaa:6)

Muhammad (pbuh) lost his father Abdullah even before he was born. His mother Amina left this world when he was 6 years old. He became a full orphan. His grandfather refuged him but 2 years later he also died so he remained under the protection of his uncle Abu Talib. He had never felt father’s love, and the mother’s one he felt for a very short period of time.

In the above-mentioned verse from the Qur’an Allah shows that He refuged Muhammad (pbuh). He refuged him in order to come as a light in times when it was allowed to bury the little girls alive, to sell people at the markets, to pray to deities which can be eaten when they are hungry, in times when women are commodities, and the commodities were a reason to humiliate the needy. Exactly in those times one orphan named Muhammad was born and after 40 years being refuged by Allah, he said: “La ilaha illallah” – there is no deity but Allah – exactly this light, which gives us hope in the darkest tunnels, in the darkest nights, this light which shows us the way in the most difficult labyrinths, this light, which illuminates our way when we are lost.

Today Allah has left orphans to the care, mercy and love of the Muslims and we see this in many verses and ahadith (narrations).they are the heritage of Muhammad (pbuh) left to the Muslims and we must take care of them.

The Muslim Denomination, Grand Mufti’s Office in the Republic of Bulgaria assumes its responsibility and through the campaign “Orphans’ Week” organizes on the territory of the entire country lectures, workshops, sermons on this occasion. It also gives the opportunity those who want to donate a smile, warmth and support, to make it in all mosques, mosques’ boards of trustees, regional mufti’s offices, in the central building of the denomination, through a bank transfer indicating the aim of the donation.

Today starts this year’s campaign to support orphans. Anyone who wishes and has possibility can make his donation in the above-mentioned places or by bank transfer to:



*Grounds for payment“Orphans’ Week” campaign


One who looks after the orphan whether he is his relative or not, I and he would be together in Paradise like this, and the narrator of the hadith Enes ibn Malik explained it with the gesture by drawing his index finger and middle finger close together like the Prophet (pbuh) did when saying this.


Link to the video:


Author: Mehmed Ali


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