Good practices

On November 21, 2018 the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali welcomed and presented information to certain international organizations about the structure and the activities of Grand Mufti’s Office in the Republic of Bulgaria. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Norwegian Theological School in Oslo; A Center for Dialogue between Sciences and Theology at the University of Craiova, Romania; professors and students from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; deacons at the Catholic Church from Italy and representatives of the Italian NGO GAL del Ducato. Bulgaria was represented by the Regional Development Foundation, a NGO the main objective of which is to support the less-developed regions in the country by implementation of a number of initiatives in this direction.

The abovementioned organizations participate in a joint project for exchange of experiences and good practices between representatives of religious communities in Europe for implementation of a social work directed at the most needy groups of the society. The project is funded by the European Program Erasmus +, and the guests participate in Bulgaria in a training workshop for development of key competences for working with vulnerable groups of people at the level of religious community or church parish.

Due to the described objective of the project and the organizations in it, the activities of Social Department were addressed in more detail, its practices and activities were presented by the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali. There were also discussed ideas and strategies for future projects. The meeting ended with nice emotions and wishes for success in the future initiatives.


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