Program on the occasion of the night of Mawlid was held in Haskovo

Regional Mufti’s Office-Haskovo held a program dedicated to the night of Mawlid – the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on November 19, 2018.

It was attended by the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov, the Religious Affairs Attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Sofia Mehmet Genç, the Social Affairs Attaché at the General Consulate of the Republic of Turkey in Plovdiv Metin Akbaş, the Director of the Department on Foreign Affairs in the Field of Education at the Diyanet of the Republic of Turkey Suat Okuyan, the Director of the Religious Center on Higher Education Mustafa Bodur, the regional muftis of Kardzhali and Plovdiv Beyhan Mehmed and Taner Veli, as well as imams from the region of Kardzhali and Haskovo.

The host of the event the Regional Mufti of Haskovo welcomed all participants and said that these celebrations are very important for the Muslim community because they have become a long tradition. He thanked the guests and all attendees for sharing together the opportunity to remember the life and the mission of the last prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on this festive day.

Besides reading of the Holy Qur’an and mawlid, a lecture was delivered by Suat Okuyan, who recalled about some moments of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Then speeches were delivered also by Mehmet Genç and the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov who focused on the importance to put into practice in the life of every Muslim the wonderful example of Muhammad (pbuh).

Parallel to the program there was also organized a charity bazaar by a group of women where about 500 BGN were raise which will be donated to support orphans.

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