Following the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the only way to happiness


Against the background of the dynamic life which does not allow us rationally to take care of ourselves we are witnessing events which are considered to be a modern phenomenon. Actually there is nothing new under the sun. We have learned recently from the media about price increase, about violence against people and about many others, to say the least, not very pleasant acts of members of our society. This has been repeated in the human history but there have been periods when such acts were fairly resolved and have not been repeated for a long time.

One of the big obstacles for resolving such problems of our times is the reluctance to learn from the experience of our predecessors, and most of all the reluctance to resolve such cases according to the Will of the Creator of the Universe. People often seek solutions to problems according to their own views claiming a change in others’ views. According to them problems such as violence, fraud, etc. have to be solved in a “civilized” manner; because it is unacceptable in 21st century to take examples from the Middle Ages. This kind of thinking corresponds to Darwinism which also is from the Middle Ages, but let us not enter this topic.

The best solution to all difficulties in human life is tofollow the principles of religion and in particular the principles of the preserved original religion.When the question is it possible to apply the religious principle in practice arises – the answer is “yes”, because this principle has already been applied by people of flesh and blood and we have an example to follow. Moreover, this religious principle was applied in conditions that were more difficult than nowadays and yet it has excellent results. It is only necessary to see how and in what manner Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions were solving the problems that had arisen.

“There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.”The Prophet (pbuh) is an excellent pattern for us in every field of human life because there is noa particular field mentioned in the verse. The personality of Muhammad (pbuh) can be seen as an ordinary man, as he can be seen as a husband, father, neighbor, etc. Аt the same time he was a head of state who for a first time in the human history was speaking about human rights and who as a statesman for a first time in the human history recognized the minorities in his state.

All this can serve as an example for each of us, regardless of his social status and regardless of the people he is living with. It is enough to have a sincere willingness for solving the problems and provisioning happiness not only in personal but also in a social aspect. Although it is difficult to explain this situation to many people, everyone who tried to understand and applied it succeeded, and everyone who turned away from this path, has gone astray. May Allah guide all of us and grant us happiness.

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