Religious School – Momchilgrad is preparing the first of its kind scientific fair in the town


Religious School – Momchilgrad is preparing the first of its kind scientific and experimental fair “Dare to know” which will be held on October 30 (Tuesday) 2018. The event will be opened at 10:00 o’clock in the morning in the center of Momchilgrad and will continue till 16:00 o’clock. It will be open to students from all schools in the town as well as to all residents and guests of Momcilgrad.

The fair will include workshops in the different fields of science – from chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics to architecture and archaeology, even robotics and screening, and the organizers will provoke the interest and the curiosity of the visitors with various scientific experiments.

The main participants in the demonstrations will be the students from the Religious School – Momchilgrad themselves, who are preparing under the guidance of their teachers in the relevant fields. Students from different grades will take part in each of the workshops. The only necessary condition for participation is to share a common interest in the relevant scientific field.

The idea for organizing the scientific fair “Dare to know” in Momchilgrad was bornafter the participation of students from the three religious schools in Bulgaria at a similar fair in Turkey this autumn.  

“The idea came exactly from the Bilim Seyyahlari” Club(“Scientific adventurers”) at the school Kartal Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesiin Istanbul, which organized the fair in Turkey. For the period of one week while we were there we had learnt a lot from the students of that school, we gained a lot of memories and ideas. After that we decided also to organize such fair in order to provide the opportunity for the people here to see things which cannot be seen every day.” – says enthusiastically about the idea for the fair Mani Kichikova from 12th grade of Religious School – Momchilgrad.

In connection with the preparation of the grand scientific event in Momchlgrad the 12th grader shares that it is not so hard because the participants already have the basic scientific knowledge and it is necessary only to apply it. “Of course a certain preparation is required, but we feel ready and happy for being able to show the fruits of science. Our preparation consists only of repeating several times the experiments which we will show to the public, in order to be absolutely sure that they will be explained in the most comprehensive manner” – the student added.  

During the preparation process for the fair “Dare to know”

With regard to the excitement and the expectations of the great scientific event tomorrow Mani Kichikova who takes an active part in the preparation and the organization of the fair “Dare to know, shares: “I do believe that science is a sun which shines for everyone. Knowledge is never enough. Everyone who takes the time to attend our fair will find a certain future benefit for himself. We hope that we will attract a larger audience, more awake people, thirsty for knowledge and science. That is why we make all these efforts.”

For carrying out the first scientific and experimental fair “Dare to know” in Momchilgrad arrived also a group from the School Kartal Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi in Istanbul, Turkey.

Author L. Chausheva

Photos: Religious School – Momchilgrad



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