Desecratedgraveyards in the village of Gradnitsa
The residents of the village of Gradnitsa, Sevlievo region, woke up on June 2 shocked by news that the graveyards were vandalized – 55 Muslim and 15 Christian graves were desecrated. There even was reported for one gravethat was opened up!
“This is very cruel. I do not know how we will restore the cemetery. These are a lot of damage” said the 74 years old resident from the village Ruzhdi Riza.
According to the Mayor of the village Ani Andreeva the people are shocked by what happened. “They want the vandals to be caught and punished. They want to be compensated. One tombstone costs a thousand leva and the local people are elderly, few of them have the possibility to order new tombstones for the graves of their relatives.” further said the Mayor of the village.
In connection with the attack on the graves from Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior - Gabrovo reported for two young men from the same village who are detained for 24 hours. Against the young men are initiated pre-trial proceedings for crimes under Art. 164 (2) of the PenalCode, which treats desecration or damaging of tombstones.
The Mayor of Sevlievo Ivan Ivanov also condemns this act: “Such acts are contrary to the human morality and values. As a Mayor of the Municipality of Sevlievo and as a person deeply offended by the vandalism, I categorically state that this behavior is unacceptable for every democratic society. The perpetrators must stand before the Bulgarian justice in order to bare their responsibility!”
The Regional Mufti of Veliko Tarnovo Syuleyman Mehmed also condemns the criminal act and shares that a meeting is foreseen with the residents of the village and called on them to remain calm.