The Chairman of the Muslim Board of Trustees – Chepintsi (Trampovska quarter) passed away


On May 14, 2018 at the age of 52 the prominent public figure and Chairman of the Muslim Board of Trustees – Chepintsi, Trampovska quarter Kadir Hasanov Mollov passed away.

Brought up in a mining family and inheriting the profession of his father, Kadir Mollov was an earthly man, who devoted his life to the benefit of the society. The restriction of the rights of the Muslims during the communist regime did not prevent him from preserving his faith and through his active work he had contributed a lot to the development of the Muslim community in the village of Chepintsi.

Over many years Kadir Mollov was a librarian in the famous library in the mosque of the village of Chepintsi, where the so called “Golden Qur’an” is kept, for the discovery and the restauration of which he has a personal contribution. His love for books made him one of the people who contributed to build the library where more than 1000 manuscripts and printed publications in religious and secular sciences are kept.

The funeral, which took place on May 15 (Tuesday) in the village of Chepintsi, was attended by the Regional Mufti of Smolyan Nedzhmi Dabov, along with representatives of the Regional Mufti’s Office, imams and representatives of the Muslim boards of trustees from the region.


We pray to the Almighty Allah to accept his good deeds and to grant him the Jannah (Paradise), as well as to give patience to the family of the deceased.



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