The project for orphans of the Muslim Denomination was presented in Albania


The project of the Muslim Denomination in support of the orphans in Bulgaria was presented to the Muslims in Albania.

Sevinch Emin, who is a volunteer in “Social” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office, was a guest lecturer in the Center for Development and Culture in Albania on May 1.

During the meeting the lecturer presented to them the social activities of the Muslim Denomination an in particular the project for orphans, and also shared about the practices which the Denomination organizes in terms of this vulnerable part of the society.

The WomenCenter for Development and Culture in Albania (intended for Muslim women) holds monthly meetings with the mothers of the orphans. This center takes care of 400 orphans and every month organizes a meeting with the mothers where lectures on various topics are presented.

The Center has been working since 2010 and performs various activities – organizing lectures for students, helping poor families through food packages, organizing campaigns in support of orphans, etc.

The participants in the lecture received as keepsakes from the meeting charity postcards from the campaign in support of the orphans in Bulgaria.





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