Address of the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi on the occasion of the coming of the Night of Bara'at



Dear Muslim brothers and sisters,

We express infinite gratitude to Allah, The Most High, for giving us the opportunity once again to meet the Night of Bara’at. The night in which Allah gives forgiveness and accepts the dua (supplication) of the people.

Bara’at is the night, in which Allah opens “His Door” to anyone who wants to make tawba (repentance), who wants to make dua (supplication) and who wants to get closer to Allah, The Most High, and to His Blessing.

The Night of Bara’at is in the month of Sha’ban, the month which precedes Ramadan.  During this month the Muslims around the world are preparing for the month of Ramadan.

This preparation should begin from this night – in the night of Bera’at in which Allah, The Most High, promises to cleanse anyone who turns to Him, promises to grant success to anyone who seeks success.

That is why, by cleansing ourselves from the mistakes made during the year to turn to Allah, The Most High, and to seek help from Him, to rely only on Him to give us the opportunity to meet the month of Ramadan with dignity and honor.

World rests on four things: science of scholars, spending on behalf of the rich ones to earn the pleasure of Allah, the dua (supplication) of the poor ones, and the patience of all people in difficulty.

May Allah accept the ibadah (worshipping) and the dua of everyone who turns to Him and to guide everyone who is astray, to cure everyone who is sick, to pardon everyone who left this world. May Allah, The Most High, be pleased with all of you.

Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah.

Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi

Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria



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