Afghan tragedy: Dozens of civil victims after an air attack towards madrassa

An attack of the Afghan air forces towards Islamic religious school in Northeastern Afghan province of Kunduz took dozens of civil victim, among whom a large number of children, reports Al-Jazeera. At the moment of the air attack this Monday, April 2, 2018, in the madrassa was taking place the children’s official graduation ceremony.

"When the planes came at around 12:00 pm some kids screamed “they will drop a bomb” but the elders said “calm down, nothing is going to happen”, but then in an instant bombs hit the mosque," Mohammad Ishaq told AFP. Ishaq also said that the students’ graduation ceremony in the madrassa was attended by hundreds of civilians among whom many students and children. There were three airstrikes which "destroyed" the building.

"I escaped unhurt but many people were killed and injured. And I saw their bodies laying on the ground.", added Mohammad Ishaq.

According to the Afghan authorities at the moment of the attack in the building of the madrassa was taking place a meeting of official representatives of the Taliban. The local people deny this: "There was no meeting of Taliban at all. Why would the Taliban hold a summer military meeting at a public gathering with kids and locals? It is a nonsense argument by the Afghan government." said another witness named Jamal Khan Bajuri in a telephone interview for CBS News. "I have not seen such devastation in my life, it was horrible," added the old man, cited by CBS News.

There are different figures in the sources for the exact number of the killed, but it is supposed that about 60 people are killed, most of whom are children. Dozens are the injured who had to travel nearly 50 km to the nearest hospital where to receive first medical aid.

"Human Rights team on ground establishing facts. All parties reminded of obligations to protect civilians from impact of armed conflict," the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan said in a brief statement.








Photo: Reuters 


Photo: Reuters


Author: Leylya Chausheva






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