Workshop on “Young people and security” was held in the town of Rudozem 



 A workshop on “Young people and security” was held on February 3, 2018 in the central mosque of the town of Rudozem. The workshop was organized by Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan in cooperation with the Muslim Board of Trustees in the town of Rudozem. There was a great interest about the forum and it was attended by more than 500 Muslims. Speakers of the workshop were the Grand Mufti of the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi and Dr. Arif Abdullah – Chairman of the Research Center at the High Islamic Institute in the city of Sofia, and a moderator was the regional Mufti of Smolyan Nedzhmi Dabov.

In their reports the speakers presented the understanding of security in the light of the Qur’an and the Sunnah in a spiritual, religious and social aspect. They explained that security comes from the same root from which faith, believer, entrusted and safety come. Security is the universal feature typical of the Islamic religion of which all people need. Security in spiritual, social and material aspect can be achieved when people adhere to the principles of the Almighty Allah. Exactly the Muslim should be a source of security in the society. In the basis of the material security are the gratitude and the satisfaction with the blessings from Allah.



 In the part for discussions of the workshop were asked also a number of questions by the audience and the speakers comprehensively answered them. At the end of the workshop the Regional Mufti thanked all participants, the Muslim Board of Trustees of the town of Rudozem for their hospitality, as well as the speakers for their completeness in presenting the information in the topic.



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