Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali held its first for the year meeting with imams from the region 

In the central mosque of the town of Kardzhali was held the first for year 2018 meeting with imams from the region.

The working meeting with the clerics began from 10:00 o’clock on February, 6 (Tuesday) and was opened by recitation of verses from the Qur’an by the imam of the village of Dobromirtsi Syuleyman Hadzhaveli. After that the meeting continued with a welcoming address on behalf of the Regional Mufti Beyan Mehmed, who informed the participants about the agenda.

Main topics that were set and on which discussions took place, were related to the organization of Umrah by “Hajj” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office, activities of the newly established committee “Young family”, as well as an analysis of the results of the campaign “Orphans’ Week”. At the meeting was also discussed the topic about the subscription for “Muslims” magazine, as well as about promotion of the activities in the field of Irshad.

The imams spoke about the expertise and the possibilities for training of imams in the country and it was inevitably to raise also the question about the financial situation of the Muslim denomination and searching for possibilities for increasing the incomes of the institution.


At the end of the meeting was made a dua (supplication) for health, peace and welfare, after which all imams were given prayer times calendars, calendars and books.

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