Trump’s decision on Jerusalem contradicts international law


On December 21, 2017 the Embassy of the State of Palestine organized a press conference in BTA Press Club in Sofia. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Palestine in the Republic of Bulgaria H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al-Madbuh spoke on the position of his state in terms of the decision of the US President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as a capital of the state of Israel.

“We are a state under occupation, but a state, this is our status.” highlighted Ambassador Al-Madbuh.

And according to him with this act the United States take the side of the occupier and loses its position as a mediator.

The Palestinian state wishes an international conference to be convened under the auspices of UN and to search for a new mediator for solving the conflict, one that will be accepted from both sides.

“We think that the best mediator is the UN”, the Ambassador said.

After the decision of Donald Trump many countries expressed their positions in terms of Jerusalem.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria published a position, in which is said: “The status of Jerusalem as a Holy city to the three monotheistic religions should be determined by the course of the Israeli-Palestine peace talks. They should come to a conclusion about the final status of the Palestine territories in the city.”

Ambassador Dr. Al-Madbuh expressed gratitude to Bulgaria for the decisive position against Trump’s decision.

Yuzlem Tefikova



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