Provincial Mufti of Edirne Emrullah Üzüm visited Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv


In the evening of December 1, 2017 the Provincial Mufti of Edirne Emrullah Üzüm, accompanied by religious officials from Turkey, visited Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv. The meeting took place in the premises of the mufti’s office after Magrib prayer.

The guests were welcomed by the Regional Mufti of Plovdiv Taner Veli who greeted them and shared his satisfaction with their visit – a nice surprise for the hosts, done by their Turkish colleagues.

The Regional Mufti thanked his Turkish colleague Üzüm for the appointed his officials from Turkey who participated in a program on the occasion of Mawlid Kandili, which took place on November 29, 2017 in Plovdiv.

 Among the discussed during the meeting topics was also that for the century old mosque “Murat Hyudavendigyar” in the city under the hills (known also as “Dzhymaya” mosque), which is a central sight in Plovdiv.

After the end of the meeting the hosts from Regional Mufti’s office – Plovdiv brought their guests to visit exactly the mosque “Murat Hyudavendigyar”, in the city center of Plovdiv.

Before leaving the two muftis Emrullah Üzüm and Taner Veli wished each other fruitful work in the future and opportunities for more frequent meetings and visits.

We would like to recall that in the framework of his visit in Bulgaria the Mufti of Edirne Üzüm and his colleagues from Turkey attended also the official opening of the reconstructed mosque in the village of Borimechkovo which also took place on December 1, this year.


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