Grand Mufti’s office hosted an official reception on the occasion of Eid-al Adha 2017
Dozens of diplomas, representatives of different religious communities, public figures honored this year’s reception of Grand Mufti’s Office, which was organized on the occasion of the great holiday Eid-al Adha. The reception took place at the premises of the Muslim Denomination in the capital on 1st of September, 2017, the first of the series of festive days for the Muslims.
Due to the absence of the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, who is on a pilgrimage the Holy places, the guests were invited and welcomed by the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat S. Ahmed.
The host thanked on behalf of himself and on behalf of the institution of Muslim Denomination everyone who responded to the invitation o attend the official reception.

“Qurban bring the person closer to God, the person with the others like him, the believer with the different ones. Not in vain one purely religious Islamic word “qurban” has entered in the Bulgarian Christian culture. By sharing the qurban with his neighbors, relatives, needy and others without making difference on ethnicity and religion, we share the good and the happiness with which we are charged. And this makes us more happy, more responsible, and more humane.” – with these words the Chairman of the central collective body of the Muslim Denomination – the Supreme Muslim Council, turned to his guests in his welcoming speech to them.
At the end of his address Vedat S. Ahmed wished all the Merciful Allah to grant them the necessary awe with which to achieve the so necessary for all peace – in a spiritual, family, social and global aspect.
The guests in their turn also offered their greetings on the occasion of the holiday to the hosts and to all participating in the official reception Muslims. They had he opportunity to have a treat and to hold friendly conversations with each other.

Author: L. Chausehva