This year’s Campaign in Suppot of the Islamic Education of Gand Mufti’s Office ended with a great success 


For 12 years Grand Mufti’s Office of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria has been running a Campaign in Support of the Islamic Education. With the raised within the campaign funds scholarships are payed to students, the salaries of the teachers in “Islamic religion” in the state’s schools are payed, the most urgent needs of the Qur’an courses and the religious schools in the country are met, book in the field of education and training are published, workshops for students and teachers are organized.

The expert at the Department of Education at Grand Mufti’s Office Nazmie Kulova shares that in its first years the campaign was supported by a very small number of people, but with every past year it becomes more and more successful. “In the beginning we were not sure if the Muslims in Bulgaria will understand us in this our initiative and if they will realize that they should support the religious education”- shares the educational expert of the Grand Mufti’s Office.

Grand Mufti’s Office has in front of it only one aim in the field of education. By being close to the community to present to the people in the proper way the needs of the Muslim Denomination and to work for building up people’s trust in the Institution. It is seen that with increasing the trust increases also the support. Every year, for example, the campaign takes place in the last week of the month of Ramadan. During the present year 2017 however the Campaign in support of the Islamic Education lasted during the entire holy month of Ramadan. It was announced as a Month in Support of the Islamic Education and continued from 26th of May until 25th of June.

According to the provided latest data the raised funds during the campaign is 279 061 23 leva, and in addition to them 1225 euro, 427 Turkish Lira and 55 USD.

As almost every year, in 2017 the Regional of Smolyan is also at first place in raised funds. Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad is at second place and Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhik is at third place in raised funds within the campaign.

“This is a great success for us. This is a sign that the Muslims in Bulgaria are beginning to awaken. If we manage to show the needs of the Denomination in the proper way, if we manage to inspire trust in the Muslims, I believe that we will manage to achieve twice more than what we have achieved so far. We are very grateful to those who participated in the entire organization and in the process of the campaign. This success is a success for all of us” – shared on this year’s Campaign in Support of the Islamic Education Nazmie Kulova from the Department on Education. 



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