Statement on behalf of the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi


Dear Muslim brothers and sisters,

We have the honor once again to welcome the three sacred months that have a special place in the Islamic calendar. The month of Rajab is one of the “hurum months” and Sha’ban is the month in which Muhammad (pbuh) fasted most additional days. The two months are a herald of the coming of the month of Ramadan, due to which the Prophet (pbuh) made a dua (supplication) with the words:

“O, Allah, bless us in Rajab and Sha'baan, and let us reach Ramadan.”

In the Muslims’ tradition is known the craving to do good deeds during these three months. However different are the customs in the different regions, eventually everywhere the craving is one – doing good deeds. This tradition besides religious character has also its social dimension, and namely – the identity of the Muslims. Due to this reason in this case it is not searched an argument for the ibadah (worshiping) of the Muslims during these months and in the sacred nights that are in them.

I make dua to Allah to accept the ibadah and the good deeds of all of us and to give us the opportunity to welcome the month of Ramadan.


                             Dr. Mustafa Alish Hadzhi

                            Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the republic of Bulgaria



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