What we eat and how we can avoid harmful food


Committee on Halal Certification at the SMC launched a campaign for promotion of halal food in Bulgaria. Despite of the existence of many companies that produce foods complying with the requirements for halal, a large number of the Muslims do not know about them.

During talks which took place in the region of Gotse Delchev (the town of Gotse Delchev, the town of Yakoruda, the village of Ribnovo, the village of Debren) Mr. Halil Hodzhov reminded the requirements that the animals must meet, and the method of their slaughtering in order to be halal. The Muslims in many places of Bulgaria – due to historical and social reasons – have lost the traditions to slaughter animals saying “Bismillahi, Allahu Akbar”, which is one of the conditions. Other important detail is the fact that in slaughterhouses is not respected the requirement to incise the oesophagus, the trachea and both arteries (left and right) of the animals, which is also a condition.




Instead of this animals are stunned by electric and mechanical shock, which sometimes leads to death of the animals before being slaughtered. A very important condition so that the meat, the milk and the eggs of the animals to be halal is the method by which they are fed.  Due to objective reasons the Muslims nowadays have to be more concern than ever about the origin of meat, who slaughters it, and who trades it in order to know what we have in the plate for dinner.


Another important topic in the talks was the contemporary method of production sweets, diary, bread, meat and other food products. The presence in their composition of certain haram ingredients unknown for the customers, such as gelatin, collagen and carmine (all produced animal-based), make the products unfit for consumption or use.


The market today offers durable with a good appearance and low cost food, but for their production are used many flavors, preservatives and colorants, in many cased harmful, and even carcinogenic.


Let`s everyone ask himself the question: What we eat and with what we feed our children? From what drugs are made, from what is made sausage and cheese, etc. These are many and difficult questions, but their answer concerns only us – the consumers.








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