Palestinian politician Mohammad Barakeh: “We want to live with dignity in our own and only fatherland”

30th of January is the day which is marked all over the world as the Day for Supporting the Rights of Palestinians in Israel. On this occasion the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Bulgaria in cooperation with the Bulgarian-Palestinian Friendship Society organized a meeting-talk on “The rights of Palestinians in Israel”. It took place on 10th of February, 2017 from 11:00 o’clock in the press-club “Journalist” at the Union of the Bulgarian journalists in the capital.

Official guest of the event was Mohammad Barakeh – Palestinian politician and citizen of Israel. In the framework of his meeting with the Bulgarian journalists the Arab politician and activist provided them a wide range of facts related to the conditions and the restrictions with which today are living 1.5 million Palestinians on the territory of the State of Israel. The Palestinian population in the occupied territories is 4 million people. And the total number of the refugees is more than 6 million. This shows that the total number of all Palestinians throughout the world so far is well above 12 million.

“The entire Palestinian nation in the conditions of injustice has an extremely great need of international support” – said Barakeh.

Mohammad Barakeh has 16-years parliamentary experience in the Israeli Knesset (Parliament of Israel). He has also 3 mandates behind as a Deputy Chairman of the Knesset. In the framework of his political career he headed many important structures working for the protection of the rights of Arabs in Israel. He headed the largest parties, representing the Arabs in Israel. In the autumn on 2015 he was elected as a Chairperson of the Supreme Follow-Up Committee of the Arab public in Israel.

“It is considered with reason that the Committee is unique in its kind formation because it brings together all political formations that work in support of the Palestinians in Israel. Some of them are represented parliamentary, others – not, but each of them has its place in this committee” – explained Mohammad Barakeh.

The hosts from the union of the Bulgarian Journalists in Sofia expressed good wishes for achievement of a positive development of the Israeli-Palestinian problem and in nearest time “to terminate any kind of injustice, pain and suffering, so that the real peace and prosperity of the nations round the world to last forever.”

Text and photos: L. Chausheva



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