The first for the year meeting of the Committee on Social Activities at the Supreme Muslim Council was held


On 2nd of February was held the first for year 2017 meeting of the Committee on Social Activities at the Supreme Muslim Council of Bulgaria. It took place in the Media Centre of Grand Mufti’s Office.

Main and a priority topic of discussion on the agenda of the meeting was the analysis of the held in the end of year 2016 campaign “Orphans’ week”.

The financial report for the held social initiative shows that the total amount of the funds, raised within the campaign last year is 117 979 leva. This gives the Committee on Social Activities the ability to increase the scope of the supported children without parents. During year 2017 the number of the orphans who will receive a monthly allowance of 50 leva will be increased to 225. The aids are paid every quarter of the year, or the total annual amount for every child is 600.00 leva per year.

The project of the Social Committee at the Supreme Muslim Council with every past year shows increasingly better results. Unfortunately however through the regional mufti’s office in Grand Mufti’s Office are received many more applications for financial support of orphaned children than actually the project can meet. That is why in the framework of the meeting of the Committee on Social Activities held yesterday the members expressed hope during the present year 2017 the Muslims from the different regions of the country to continue to support the orphaned children so that in the specially designated for this purpose boxes in the regions to continue to be collected money. The boxes are opened every quarter and whenever when the amount of the collected amount allows is responded to other from the waiting applications of children for financial aids and the total number of the supported orphans increases.

During the meeting was paid a special attention also to the topic related to the promotion of the social activities in the regional mufti’s offices as well as to the prepared in the moment project of the Committee of Social Activities. The new project foresees establishment of a volunteer network or a network of benefactors helping in different ways the most vulnerable groups among the representatives of the Muslim community in the country – orphans, elderly, disabled people, needy people, etc. The project foresees the needy to be helped not so much financially but through work, physical assistance, held in the field of the socialization and social inclusion.

At the end of the first for year 2017 meeting of the Committee on Social Activites the members wished for all of them success and useful work during the present year.

The Committee on Social Activities at the Supreme Muslim Council works already three years. It was established during year 2013 with the opening of Social Department at Grand Mufti’s Office. Its Chairman is the Deputy Grand Mufti of Bulgaria Birali Myumyun as he is in charge with the social activities. Among the members of the Committee are regional muftis and employees of the Muslim Denomination.



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