Spiritual health is a basis for physical health


The Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Myumyun and the Director of the University and Multispecialty Hospital for Active Treatment “Alexandrovska” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov held an official meeting. It took place on 15th of December, 2016 at the administrative corpus of the hospital in Sofia. The occasion of the meeting was the implementation of joint projects in the field of the social activities and the achievement of better hospital service. In the discussions held between Mr. Myumyun and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angelov were outlined two main directions. The first is an opportunity to provide place for performing of prayer from patients on the territory of the hospital.

The second outlined in the course of the discussions direction for joint work was carrying out one-day educational workshop with staff of the hospital in the framework of which to inform them about the specifics of religions and their reflection in the relations patient – medical staff.

Both sides agreed that the spiritual health is a basis for the physical health. Every person who is admitted to hospital has to maintain his relationship with his faith which favors the process of treatment and recovery.

Before leaving the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Myumyun gave Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov a plaque with verses from the Holy Qur’an.



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