Muslim Denomination strongly condemns the violent attacks in Aleppo

The Muslim Denomination in the Republic of Bulgaria strongly condemns and deplores the violent attacks towards innocent people during the recent days in the city of Haleb (Aleppo), Syria, where died dozens of people, including women and children. We strongly condemn these acts of violence and all forms of terrorism and despotism that cause pain and suffering to people.

The Muslim Denomination and the Muslim community in Bulgaria express deepest condolences and empathy to the families and the relatives of those who lost their lives and wishes quick recovery of the injured, as well as compassion to the pain and the suffering of the Syrian people.

Terrorism and violence continue to take innocent human lives throughout the world. We do believe that it is our common duty to make efforts in order to save the world from the evil of hatred, violence and terrorism all over the world.

We grieve together with the relatives of the victims and condemn the tragedies, caused to people. We have always been and we will be on the side of the oppressed and the innocent, regardless of their religion, ethnicity and nationality.



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