The famous muhaddith sheikh Shuaib Al Arnauti ( passed away


After a long illness at the age of 88 died the world-famous scholar muhaddith (hadith scholar) sheikh Shuaib ibn Muharram Al Albani Al Arnauti (


Sheikh Shuaib Al Arnauti ( was born in 1928 in Damascus (Syria). In the early years of his life he started studying the Holy Qur’an and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He spent his adolescent years in learning Arabic language – grammar and morphology with a number of famous scholars such as Sheikh Salih Al Farfur, Arif Al Dudji and others. Later on he studied the science of Tafsir, Ahadith and Fiqh, and in 1955 began to investigate and edit different handwritten works of the Islamic literature. For 20 years he worked in one of the most prestigious publishing houses in the Arab world – “Al Maktab Al Islami” and in 1982 he moved to publishing house “Muesseset-ur-Risale” – in Amman. During these long and fruitful years of his life he managed to investigate and classify the tradition of dozens of books. Some of them are the following:


*  "Sherh Es-Sunne" of Imam Begaviin 16 volumes.

* Rawdat al-Talibin of An-Nawawi (together with Abdulkadir Al Arnauuti)in 12 volumes.

* Madhab Al Agani of Ibn Manzur in 12 volumes.

* Al Mubdiu fi sherh Al mukniay of Ibn Muflih Al Hanbali in 10 volumes.

* Zad-ul-Mesir fi ilm et-tefsir of Ibn Dzhewzi (together with Abdulkadir al-Arnauuti) – in 9 volumes.

* Siyar a`lam al-nubala' of Al-Dhahabi in 25 volumes.

* Sunan at-Tirmidhi in16 volumes.

* Sunan an-Nasa'i in 12 volumes.

* Sunan ad-Darakutni in 5 volumes.

* Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbalin 50 volumes.

* Tarih-ul-Islam of Al-Dhahabi (together with Dr. Bashar Ivad) – not completed.


We pray to the Almighty Allah to reward him with Jannah for the work he did for Islam and the Muslim community.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un” –“We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return”

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