Working meeting with imams from Plovdiv region was held

Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv held a working meeting with the imams from the region. At the working meeting were discussed issues related to the held campaign “Week of Islamic education”, as well as the national donation campaign for raising funds for qurbans which will last till 9th of September, 2016.

At the meeting was decided that the Regional competition in basic knowledge in Islam to take place on 25th of August, 2016 in the city of Plovdiv. The participating imams shared their vision and impressions about the ongoing summer Qur’an courses.

During the meeting the regional Mufti of Plovdiv Taner Veli delivered a lecture dedicated to the slaughtering of the sacrificial animal (qurban) and warned about the unconscious mistakes which could be done during slaughtering the qurban.

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