Fasting is and universal method for training

The Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Mr. Vedat Ahmed hosted an iftar dinner in honor of the former and the present members of the Supreme Muslim Council. For a second year in the building of Grand Mufti’s Office is organized and iftar in this format – with the presence of the present and the former supreme management and the members of the supreme collective body of the Muslim Denomination. There were present also the regional muftis, a representative of “Religious Denominations” Directorate and the social affairs attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Sofia.

“Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an which guides to the right path and shows the boundaries of good and evil. It is a month of fasting which teaches the people to patience, sharing, discipline and virtuousness. Fasting is a universal method for training and makes people better and more responsible”, said in his speech the Chairman Vedat Ahmed.

According to him during the iftar we experience the highest form of patience because we have the opportunity to touch the food but we do not do it till the certain minute. Our hearts are trembling but we are patient in order to soar spiritually and to be stronger because life is harsh and requires lots of patience.

The Chairman thanked all attendees for responding to the invitation and coming for the iftar and ended his speech by making dua (supplication) towards Allah for more good, prosperity, peace and happiness both for the Muslims in Bulgaria and for all citizens of our country, for all people around the world and especially for the underprivileged and for those who are in distress throughout the world.

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