Meeting of imams from Plovdiv region

Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv held a working meeting with the imams from the region. It was held on 1st of June, 2016 in the premises of the Regional Mufti’s Office.

The meeting began with a welcoming speech on behalf of the Regional Mufti Taner Veli. Firstly was discussed the topic regarding the activity of the imams, the training program, organized by Grand Mufti’s Office in the village of Ustina (from 17th of May till 30th of May, 2016) in which took part imams from the region. During the working meeting were discussed also some topics related to the summer Qur’an courses and their preparation, organization and the preparation for the month of Ramadan, Mukabele reading, organization of iftar dinners, sermons and others.


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