Hatim was organized in the town of Vetovo

Regional Mufti’s Office - Ruse joined a celebration – hatim held on 24th of April, 2016 in the mosque of the town of Vetovo. Occasion of the celebration was the complete reading of the Holy Book by 14 women in total, and the initiative shows that the Islamic traditions are not forgotten. Among the official guests of the event were Yudzhel Hayredin, Regional Mufti of Ruse, hafiz Abdullah Dursun – teacher of the 14 women, who made the complete reading of the Qur’an, Dzhemalettin Demirel – imam of the central mosque in Bucharest, neighboring Romania, Muzaffer Gedikoglu – Deputy Director of SRS – Ruse, Ismail Selim – Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Vetovo and Dr. Mehmed Mehmedov. We must confess that with this expression the women from Vetovo demonstrated their good preparation which they received and the satisfactory result certainly speaks about personal commitment, efforts made and perseverance– both on behalf of the teacher and on behalf of the women. At the end of the program the participants in the event received certificates and small gifts. The celebration was closed with a hatim dua (supplication).

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