Young boys from several regions attended a workshop in Ustina

A group of students from Blagoevgrad, Haskovo, Sliven and Pazardzhik joined the one-week workshop, organized by Grand Mufti’s Office and held in the Muslim training school in the village of Ustina, Ploviv region. During the vacation the students use their spare time by enriching their knowledge in Islam. Under the guidance of Selim Mehmed – Director of the training school in the village of Ustina, the students visited also Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv. The group of students was welcomed by the Regional Mufti of Plovdiv Taner Veli. The young boys saw “Dzhumaya mosque” in the city below the hills and were informed about the history of the temple, as well as about the history of other Islamic religious buildings in the city.

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