Delegation from Turkey visited Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv

Delegation from the city of Tokat, Republic of Turkey, visited Regional Mufti’s Office – Ploviv. The guests were from Association of writers and poets – the city of Tokat and from Association of Alumni of “Gazi Osman Pasha” School from the same city. They were welcomed by the new Mufti of the city of Ploviv Taner Veli. The guests were informed about the religious activities of the Denomination, the educational centers of the Denomination, as well as about the history of “Muradie Mosque” in the city. The President of the Association of writers and poets Remzi Zengin presented the Association after which gave the Regional Mufti magazines, issued by the Association. In his turn the Regional Mufti presented the publications of Grand Mufti’s Office and gave all guests a copy of “Muslims” magazine.

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