Grand Mufti: Muslims are called upon to explain principles and values of Islam

“Although religion is pushed to the periphery of the social life the need of the people to return to the religious values which to restore the normal human relations is a fact. We are witnessing violence towards children, students, elderly, etc., everything this is a fact due to the lack of religious education which leads to replacement of the value system of the society”, said the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi at the Conference “Muslim Denomination 2016 – 2021”. The event was organized by Grand Mufti’s Office in a hotel in the capital on 28th of March this year. The aim of the Conference was to inform the general public about the multi-aspect activities of the Denomination and its future prospects for development.

Participants in the conference were also the former Rector of the High Islamic Institute (HII) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Yalamov, the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) Vedat Ahmed, the Deputy Grand Muftis Murat Pingov and Birali Myumyun and the Secretary General Ahmed Ahmedov.

“We have to explain the Muslims that it is not a crime to be a Muslim. The freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Constitution of Bulgaria, the acting legislation and the international acts related to the freedom of faith. This gives us self-confidence to resist by peaceful means to the attempts to correlate the Muslims in Bulgaria to terrorism”, stressed the Grand Mufti in his report.

He pointed out as a priority the education of the young people in responsibility and patriotism, which to be expressed in cooperation with the state institutions for preservation the peace and the freedom as well as not to give a way to the provocations of politicians and nationalists that aim at achieving political dividends on the back of the Muslims.

According to the religious leader the main direction in which the Muslims have to develop is presentation of the principles of Islam in an understandable for our times way. Through rebutting the statements of radically minded individuals.  It is a fact that those who conceal their infernal plans through Islam and through jihad, publish their ideas on internet, which is accessible for every young person. That is why the Islamic religion must be taught and preached by people who are specialists in this field and are Muslims in awe to the Almighty and do not allow the texts of the Qur’an and the hadiths to be interpreted in a way different from the usual.

The Grand Mufti thinks that the Muslim community in Bulgaria continues to be exposed to a pressure from the extreme nationalist organizations. The pseudo protest organized by a political party two weeks ago in Lyulin Quarter shows exactly this. Of course everything has positive and negative side. The positive thing here is that Muslims are beginning to understand that it is the time to stand on firm positions against the attempts of certain circles (including mostly political) aiming to impute all negatives to the Muslim community. On the background of what is happening globally as attempts to use religion for political purposes using all means (including also terrorism) we are called to defend the values of our religion and culture both from the attempts to vilify Islam through terror and violence and from those who put under one denominator all Muslims.

“We, the Muslims, are called upon to explain the principles and the values of Islam. No matter how banal is this statement we have to continue to repeat it because the abovementioned parties want we to give up from this principle and to accept their views. To leave contending against these extremes means to leave humanity to devours itself which cannot be accepted by the normally thinking and responsible people as Muslims”, said the Grand Mufti.

“The dialogue between religions does not aim at changing the principles of one or another religion, neither to make a mix of different religions. The aim of such a dialogue is to show the proper respect towards all people regardless of their religious worldview, because we all are a creation of the Almighty. In fact the dialogue between the religions is not something new; this is a fundamental principle of every messenger of Allah called to teach people good. The lack of such dialogue leads to conflicts in societies”, added the religious leader.

According to him Grand Mufti’s Office has always been loyal to the state institutions in Bulgaria although sometimes the state has been a mother for one and a stepmother for others, and when it comes to such a division, the Muslim Denomination always suffers. As Bulgarian citizens we are called to do our best for the preservation of the peace and the democracy in the country.

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