Grand Mufti’s Office launches the campaign for pilgrimage of Hajj in 2016

Grand Mufti’s Office organizes campaign for Pilgrimage of Hajj in 2016. Those who want to participate in one safety pilgrimage and visit to the sacred for the Muslims places – Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia have to submit their documents to Grand Mufti’s Office or the regional mufti’s offices. Hajj this year is in the month of September and the deadline for registration is until 31st of May, 2016.

Three thousand euro is the price for the visit to the sacred places, where the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) lived and preached.

With its long experience and highly qualified personnel “Hajj” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office offers a quality and peaceful pilgrimage and performance of one of the pillars of the faith.

Hajj means travelling the aim of which is visit to the Kaaba, the holy home of Allah, as well as implementation of the rites (manasik), i.e. the actions and the words which are reported from the pilgrimages of the Prophet (pbuh) such as Tawaf – circumambulation Kaaba 7 times, Sa’i or 7 times going the way between Safa and Marwah; staying at Arafat, stoning the Jamarat (stone pillars depicting the Shaitan) at Mina and others. Hajj brings a great benefit to people. They profess the unity of Allah (Tawhid). The pilgrims receive forgiveness, they get to know each other, learn about the rules of their religion, etc.

The Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “Allah appointed this place (Mecca) as a sacred with the creation of the earth and the heavens and it will remain so (sacred) by the Will of Allah till the Judgment Day. It is not allowed to cut trees, to hunting there is forbidden, it is not allowed to pick up lost property except for the sake of identifying it to its owner, it is not allowed tearing of herbs” (Muslim, 1353).

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: The prayer in my mosque (Al-Madeenah mosque) is better than one thousand prayers in any other mosque with the exception of Al-Haraam mosque, and a prayer in Al-Haraam mosque is better than 100,000 prayers n other mosques. (Ibn Madje, 1406).

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