Grand Mufti honored “Mawlid of tolerance” in Plovdiv

“Mawlid for us is an occasion which brings people together, this is a tradition the aim of which is to show respect of the people to one another. Whoever is far from the sight is far from the heart and that is why we want most often to see each other and to be together”, said the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi in Plovdiv.

The religious leader honored “Mawlid of tolerance”, organized by Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv on the occasion of the second anniversary of the attack towards “Dzhumaya mosque” the last Friday. This happened on 14th of February, 2014 during civil protest which attacked the temple by stones. The symbolic event was attended by H.E. Süleyman Gökçe, Ambassador of Ankara in Sofia, the Chairman of the Municipal Council Savina Petkova, the Deputy Mayor for security Georgi Marinov, a representative of the Jewish organization ‘Shalom” in Plovdiv, regional muftis and clerics. After the meeting over a cup of Turkish coffee just prior the Friday prayer, was held and the traditional “Mawlid of tolerance”.

According to the Grand Mufti when we are together between us exists the warmth of friendship and brotherhood. As we are living on one hand in times when besides the political there are also religious problems in a world scale, but at the same time we are in one country and in particular today we are in one city where tolerance is a tradition, which we have inherited from our fathers and I believe that it will continue from now on.  

“Here is held one event of tolerance and I believe this event is not important only for Plovdiv but for the entire country. Although this event reminds us of a very unpleasant incident as you remember the place where we are now was profaned. But what is more important is that this event is directed to the future where the peace, the prosperity will be in this to be together”, said the Ambassador of Turkey H.E. Süleyman Gökçe.

“Tolerance is something which each of us carries in his soul. Plovdiv is happy in this regard because it is a city of the communities, because here in a spirit of understanding co-exist the different communities from different religions”, said the Deputy Mayor for security Georgi Marinov.

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