SMC Chairman: Unity makes strength, especially when unity is in the Name of Allah


“Today I have the high honor to open the official first session of the Supreme Muslim Council, elected at the regular National Muslim Conference, held on 24th of January, 2016. On this occasion I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Almighty Allah Who gave us this so beautiful, but also not less responsible opportunity, and namely from this responsible position to serve to the last true religion”, said the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) Vedat S. Ahmed at the first meeting for this mandate. The session took place in a hotel in the capital in the presence of the former and the present members of the Council.

He said that the positions are transient and for serving to Allah. He highlighted his gratitude to the sovereign of the Muslim Denomination, and namely the Muslim community whose delegates with their free vote chose the present management. 

“The Supreme Muslim Council is a central collective body of the Denomination and consist of 25 members whose mandate is 5 years. The Council (shura) is a reflection of the tawhid (unity) in our organization and in our deeds. The Council is following the sunnah of Muhammad (pbuh) and the way of his blessed sahaba (followers). In verse 38 of chapter Shura the Almighty Allah says: “They are those who obey their Lord and establish Prayer; who conduct their affairs by consultation, and spend out of what We have bestowed upon them”, recalled the Chairman.

According to him the shura is a very important moment in Islam it is mentioned along with some of the basic principles of Islam. Furthermore the mentioned verse is revealed in Mecca when the Muslims are still a minority. There is blessing in shura, the result of it is wisdom. That is why it is one of the most important factors for the development of the Muslim community.

“If we have made the necessary in terms of making decision it is doubtless that the result will be in our favor – even if seemingly it is in our detriment. Because Rasulullah (pbuh) who is described from the sahabas as the one who consults most often, despite of the fact that he receives revelations (wahy)”, stressed Vedat Ahmed.

According to him there is also rahmah (mercy) and barakah in the Council because the intellectual efforts are united and even more also the hearts in the name of the good. The Shura unites and strengthens the community. And as we also know from the legend about the bundle of sticks of Khan Kubrat “Unity makes strength!”, especially when unity is in the Name of Allah.

“We in our short life saw it, I hope that from now on we will also experience happy moments in result of the unity in our thoughts and feelings, the solidarity in deeds”, said the Chairman in front of the SMC members.


“According to our vision on a central level, the Muslim Denomination does not have people for discard and underestimation. For us each person is important even more if he is a mufti, imam, teacher, chairman of board of trustees, etc. For us people are important in this aspect no member of the Council is the Council. The Supreme Muslim Council is when there is majority for making legitimate decisions”, said the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi in his welcoming speech to the members of the Council.

According to him the SMC members are not here to solve the problems of a certain region. They are here to adopt the general policy of the Muslim Denomination in a national scale. To outline a program which to be learnt, understood and implemented. In order to make the society able to care and follow this program which is outlined by this audience.

“One of the problems which we face is that people do not know what this audience does. We must find a way to show them that these people are not here to solve their own problems and as the Jannah is not only for the scholars and for the Supreme Muslim council, everyone must do his own job”, emphasized the Grand Mufti.

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