Visit in the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization in Iran


The Deputy Grand Mufti Vedat S. Ahmed visited the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization in Iran during his visit to Iran in connection with participation in an international conference, held on the last week of 2015 in Tehran.

There he met with officials responsible for the relations with European countries.

During the meeting Mr. Ahmed thanked the hosts for the invitation and the contacts made between the two institutions. He emphasized on the importance of the Iranian culture and marked the role of the traditional scientific and cultural centers such as Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz, Hamadan, Tus and others in the development of the Islamic civilization. As they had given to the humanity prominent scholars and literati, such as Raghib al-Isfahani, Shams Tabrizi, Hafiz, Saadi, Ghazali. Beside this Mr. Ahmed informed the hosts about the situation of the Muslims in Bulgaria and made a brief presentation related to the activities of Grand mufti’s Office focusing on the educational, cultural and social activities which are in the basis of the good co-existence in the society. There were also discussed possible projects in the field of the religious culture.

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