Grand Mufti: We are called to build the best moral in people

“Following the example of the Messenger of Allah, we, the employees of the Muslim Denomination, are called to build the best moral in people. The ministry of religion is a responsibility which cannot be done by everyone. Our dedication to the work of the Denomination should be only and solely to win the Favor of Allah”, said the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi during the opening of the III National Workshop for employees of the Muslim Denomination, entitled “Together we can do more!”.

Host of the event was Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali and SRS Momchilgrad. All regional muftis and the administrative staff of Grand Mufti’s Office and the regional mufti’s offices take part in the workshop.

“In the globalizing world every day we face new challenges with which we have to deal”, said the Grand Mufti. According to him the venue of the event is not by chance. The religious school in Momchilgrad is a center of the Islamic education for the region and has put as an aim to educate highly moral and beneficial for the Muslims and the entire society personalities.

“The long experience in the religious activities clearly shows that this activity is not sufficiently effective if it is done individually. The aspects and the specifics of the activity require the union of efforts on behalf of the staff occupied in the system”, emphasized the Grand Mufti. He went back in the years from the dawn of the democracy and recalled that those who were working for the religion that time hardly joined their efforts but today this is an achieved goal in the Muslim Denomination. From now on it should be worked for the quality and the services offered by the institution.

“If we would said ten years ago that we can gather the whole team of Grand Mufti’s office at one place, maybe we would not believe it. Today however this is a fact, this happens thanks not only t one person but thanks to all of you”, said the Grand Mufti.

“This kind of meetings are already a tradition and I believe that they are fundamental for the Muslim Denomination. They are an opportunity to be involved in the problems of the colleagues from the different regions and together to search effective and long-term solutions”, said the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat S. Ahmed.

According to him it is important to be mindful of the problems of the Muslim Denomination and the Muslims as a whole. If we live with the thought that here is warm and we do not care for the other places where it is cold, then with the time we can lose this warmth.

The Regional Mufti of Kardzhali Beyhan Mehmed presented to the participants in the workshop the activities of the entrusted to him mufti’s office and showed some good practices from his dialogue with the representatives of the other religious denominations.

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