Fruitful weekend in Rudozem

On 21st and 22nd of November the imam of the village of Lazhnitsa Muhammed Kamber, together with FC “Orelyak” – Lazhnitsa visited the town of Rudozem. On Saturday Kamber launched the new autumn – winter season of the weekly lectures in the central mosque which was attended by about 200 men and women. On 22nd, Sunday, at the stadium in the town of Rudozem was held friendly match between the teams of FC “Orelyak” and the local FC “Palas”, led by the imam of Rudozem Hayri Sherifov. The match ended with a convincing win of the hosts.

The guests from Lazhnitsa were very pleased and impressed by the mosque and the sports facilities in the town of Rudozem and expressed their gratitude for the showed hospitality.

Initiatives of this kind are an example for fruitful joint work and for this how sport can become a mean for getting to know each other, education and union of the young generation.

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