Grand Mufti’s Office organizes Orphans’ Week under the motto “Give compassion, not alms”

Grand Mufti’s Office announces National charity campaign on the occasion of Orphans’ week 23– 29November, 2015 under the motto “Give compassion, not alms”. The campaign is held for fourth consecutive year. The funds raised from the campaign in the last year were enough for 157 children to receive 50 leva monthly each during the entire year.

Every year millions of children round the world orphaned losing one or both parents. According to the statistic data of UNESCO between 143 and 210 million are the children deprived from parental care. For Bulgaria this sad statistic increases with every new day. Currently according to the data of the institutions the children deprived from parental care are 4 755.

Regardless of the reasons millions of children grew up without family love and warmth. It is our duty to give them a hand! “…Whatever you spend of good is [to be] for parents and relatives and orphans and the needy and the traveler. And whatever you do of good - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it”, says the Almighty in sura Al-Baqara, in the Qur’an.

Driven by the principles of Islam and the realized high social responsibility “Social” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office organized national charity campaign on the occasion of Orphans’ week 23-29 November, 2015, under the motto “Give compassion, not alms”. The aim of the department is to relieve the hardships of those in need, by organizing national causes. Donations can be made in Grand Mufti’s Office and the regional mufti’s offices. For more information; “Sovial Deparment of Grand Mufti’s Office



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