Photo exhibition focused on life of minorities in Bulgaria was opened in Vidin

Visiting photo exhibition on topic “A view on life of minorities in Bulgaria” was opened on 13th of October in Vidin. It is work of the photographer Ognyan Panov and is realized under the project “Multicultural aspect of humanity” in the framework of the NGO Program in Bulgaria under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014.
The exhibition is visiting Vidin at the idea of Foundation “Quality of life” with a Chairman Dr. Neven Enchev. Its realization is a fact thanks to Jacob Djerassi – Director of Foundation “Bulgaria” and Hariton Haritonov – Chairman of the National Agency for Safety and Security. It can be seen in the lobby of “Tsar Simeon Veliki” School in the city of Vidin.
The main idea of the exhibition is that “Society has always suffered problems with minorities – both with the ethnical and with the marginalized from the society groups. However each of us is a part of a kind of minority and fights to be accepted from the people around him and to live a full life. There is no such a thing as “they”, because “they” and “we” are one”.
Among the official guests of the event was the Regional Mufti of Montana Nedzhati Ali. Among the attendees of the opening of the visiting exhibition were also His Eminence Bishop of Belogradchik Polikarp, D. Todorov – regional representative of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination for the region of Vidin, director of local schools and others.

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