Grand Mufti:Unity of the different communities is a necessary condition for peace

“We live in times when the religion often is used for self-serving purposes. Initiatives like this, which bring us together and unite us, are most appropriate. Unity of different communities around the world is a necessary condition for peace”, said the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi during iftar dinner given by the US Ambassador in Sofia.
The official iftar dinner was also attended by representatives of the religious denominations, the Deputy Mayor of Sofia Municipality Dr. Todor Chobanov, public figures and representatives of the Muslim community.
“I am very happy that it became a tradition to welcome you in my home during the holy month of Ramadan, in order to mark the shared values such as the spirit and the faith of the society. During the last three years the organization of iftar here gave all of us the opportunity to meet in a spirit of friendship, to develop it and to enjoy the fruits of our communication, which builds up connecting bridges between the religions, and reflect on all the good things we have accomplished that will benefit the larger community”, said Ambassador Marcie Ries in her welcoming speech to the guests.
“It is a real privilege to see here tonight so many distinguished representatives of the religions, colleagues and friends. Allow me to express to all of you, as well as to all Muslims in Bulgaria, my best wishes for prosperity and peace”, said the diplomat.
According to her compassion and mutual forgiveness bring the believers together after sunset to express gratitude to each other and support the respect to the common principles of justice, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.
“As Americans, we pride ourselves on the freedom of faith and expression, on respect for cultural and societal diversity, and on the ability to include and accept differences. In many parts of the world, people face hunger, poverty and disease, so it is important to reinforce what brings us together, what makes us human and what makes us willing to help each other” further said the US Ambassador in Sofia. She quoted the US Secretary John Kerry with the words: “Ramadan underscores the beauty in the community – one that eats, prays and works together – and that answers the sacred call that we desire for other what we desire for ourselves."

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