Grand Mufti was a host of iftar in honor of the diplomatic corps

“I have the pleasure to welcome you on the iftar dinner on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan. One of the specifics of this month is that it gathers around the table people representing different communities regardless of religion, ethnicity, nationality and social status. Poor and rich, employees and employers, politicians and ordinary citizens sit around one table”, said the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi in his speech. He was a host of an official iftar in honor of the diplomatic corps.
According to him the iftar is a natural expression of respect to all people whom the Almighty Allah created in the best of stature as sons of Adam.
“Islam is the civilization model which through its high moral value system has proved its universality. There are lots of attempts of the villains in a worldly scale to blacken the Islamic religion, but with the help of the Almighty Allah such self-serving purposes will not darken the true face of Islam and will not put a boundary line between the people”, said the Grand Mufti. He gave as example what is happening in Karlovo and the ambitions of the local authorities to change the designation of the “Kurshum mosque” located there.
The religious leader is convinced that hatred will not prevail because it is an expression of weakness, and the believers are not weak. It should not be allowed the religion to be a tool in the hands of people who would use it for achieving political goals.
Religion according to the Grand Mufti is sacred and inalterable part of our existence and must not be wasted for achieving transient leading positions.
“As extraordinary and plenipotentiary representatives of your nations and your kind presence this evening in the Grand Mufti’s Office is a rare symbol symbolizing the unification of the nations”, emphasized the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi.

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