28 000 leva collected the campaign for supporting the course for imams in Ustina

At the initiative of Grand Mufti’s Office from the beginning of March to the end of April this year was organized a National donation campaign for the Course for imams in the village of Ustina, Plovdiv region. The campaign involved the regional mufti’s offices and a substantial part of the Muslim boards of trustees.
As a result of the responsiveness of the Muslims 28 354, 79 lv. and big quantities of non-perishable food products were collected.
This campaign proved that the Muslims in Bulgaria regardless their life’s difficulties are ready to respond and support such noble causes.
The raised funds will be spent on the needs of the course. It works since 2002 and has trained more than 153 imams so far. Currently 24 imams are trained there and the duration of the training process is one year.
Grand Mufti’s Office expresses its sincere gratitude for the support and the participation to all Muslims in this beneficial campaign and ask the Almighty to bestow on them infinite blessing.

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