Students studying “Islamic religion” in the village of Chepintsi were on an excursion in Zlatograd

Eighty are the students, studying the subject “Islamic religion” in Secondary School “Hristo Botev” – village of Chepintsi during the current school year. For each of them the Muslim denomination of the village of Chepintsi and the teacher in this subject Asan Metevski organized excursion to the town of Zlatograd on 9th of April, 2015. The students visited the new mosque in Zlatograd, the Old Town, the Ethnographic Museum and other cultural and historical sites where they enriched their knowledge in the history and the traditions in the Rhodopes.
The Muslim denomination of the village of Chepintsi every year supports the students who are studying the subject “Islamic religion” in the local school through organizing excursions and other sports and entertaining events.
We would like to remind that the campaign for promoting the subject ‘Islamic religion” in the state’s schools continues and applications for school year 2015/2016 can be submitted to the director of the relevant school till 31st of May, 2015.

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