Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia organized a Regional competition basic knowledge in Islam on August 29, 2020 (Saturday) for the children who participated in the summer Qur’an courses (SQC) at the mufti’s office.
Fortunately, the participation in this year’s summer Qur’an courses was almost double than the previous year. In the competition which was the end of the summer courses, participated 25 children from all Qur’an courses. official guests of the event were the Regional Mufti of Sofia – Mr. Mustafa Izbishtali, the Regional Mufti of Pleven – Mr. Murad Boshnak, and Mr. Bahri Izet – expert at “Irshad” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office and a chief coordinator of the SQC.
The competition had two rounds and the task of the jury in the persons of Mr. Bahri Izet and Mr. Mehmed Terzi, was extremely difficult due to the good preparation of all children.
At first place with 108.50 points from the maximum 110.00 ranked Sara Dalova. At second place with 108.00 ranked Salim Alisa, and at third place with 102.50 points – Mustafa Sadettin.
The winners as well as all other participants received gifts from Grand Mufti’s Office, the hosts from the capital’s mufti’s office, from the Regional Mufti of Pleven and from the Social affairs attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey. There was also a lunch for the attendees and a specially prepared Ashure from the imam Metin Molaali and the congregation from the village of Svetovrachene and Orlandovtsi quarter was given to everyone.
The Regional Mufti of Sofia Mr. Izbishtali expressed heartfelt gratitude to all children, their parents and teachers, the guests and the organizational team for the wonderful celebration and program.
May the Exalted Allah reward everyone for their efforts and to bestow blessing, health and success to all children, parents and teachers.