The mufti’s office in Aytos held three workshops for imams and teachers in summer Qur’an courses from the region, which took place on June 22, 23 and 24 (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) this year in the training base of the Muslim Denomination in the village of Lyulyakovo.
Due to the epidemic situation in the country and observing the safety measures, in each of the workshops participated less than 10-12 participants.
In the opening of the program of the workshop the Regional Mufti of Aytos Selyatin Muharem welcomed all guests and participants in the working meeting. A guest speaker from Grand Mufti’s Office was Bahri Izet – expert at “Irshad” Department, and the other speakers were employees from Regional Mufti’s Office- Aytos.
“During the workshops we discussed the importance and the significance of the summer Qur’an courses, the teaching methods in them. We analyzed also the held during the summer season of the last year Qur’an courses for children in our region.” – shared for the Regional Mufti of Aytos Selyatin Muharem. According to him in the region of the regional mufti’s office every summer are organized and held nearly 50 Qur’an courses for children. – “Our intention is gradually the summer Qur’an courses to turn into year-round. Due to the epidemic situation in the country this summer we will try to begin the organization of Qur’an courses in all settlements in the region, where there is a possibility for this, but we still do not have a clear idea what will be their exact number.” – Muharem further added.
Author: L. Chausheva