For already six years now, Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv and Muslim Board of Trustees – Plovdiv have jointly organized every year Ramadan iftar-dinners at the “Imaret” mosque in Plovdiv. They take place with the financial and intangible support on behalf of the local Muslim community.
“The religious tradition of organizing Ramadan iftar dinners in front of “Imaret” mosque – a tradition, known also among the local people like “The table of Halil Ibrahim”, continues this year as well, though its different format. The traditional iftars in front of the Muslim temple will not be held, but the food for them will be distributed to the needy in the city of Plovdiv in the form of catering.” – commented for from the management of Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv.
In connection with this on April 24 this year at a joint initiative of Regional Mufti’s Office in Plovdiv and Muslim Board of Trustees – Plovdiv were distributed food packages, laundry detergents and disinfectants to the needy people in Plovdiv. The act of the donation was done in the presence of the Regional Mufti of Plovdiv Taner Veli and the Chairman of the Muslim Board of Trustees in Plovdiv Ahmed Pehlivan.
According to him everyone who wants can support the implementation of the noble initiative during the month of Ramadan in its different, due to the pandemic, format, by making a cash donation. The value of the iftar for one person is 6.00 BGN, and one food package costs 40.00 BGN. Those who are interested can get in contact for more information with Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv or the Muslim Board of Trustees in the city.
Author: L. Chausheva