“The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them”
George Bernard Shaw
Searching a way to “unlock” goodness in people, mutual help and the thought about the others in this difficult moment, youths from the Muslim community in Varna undertook another noble initiative. With the support and the assistance of Regional Mufti’s Office – Varna during the last weekend the young volunteers put houses for food products, in which everyone who want can leave, and those who are needy – to take packaged food products.
The youths borrowed the idea from the social networks, where they saw that is it already implemented in neighboring Turkey, and also in Varna.
The young Muslims made the “Houses of goodness” from wooden crates and put them on the trees – one in front of Regional Mufti’s Office – Varna at 25 Angel Georgiev Str., and the second – at the beginning of Rozova dolina Str. in Asparuhovo quarter, where Sesemez hamlet is located. Each of the crates can gather up to 8 standard packaged food products.
“Our main aim is the houses, which have more symbolic than practical character, is not to stay full, but to unlock goodness in people – to make them notice the needy around them and to make them even with little to help exactly these people.” – said for Grandmufti.bg Sali Svetoslavov, who is one of the volunteers in the noble initiative.
The initiators are aware that in such projects where it is relied on the public trust, there always are abuses, but they hope that they will be at a minimum and the food will really reach to people who indeed need it.
According to the young volunteers the local people welcome the initiative very positively maybe because it provides the opportunity everyone to be helpful to the other and to feel satisfaction in their hearts for being able to be useful, “even with a package of pasta”, as they say.
We do believe that with their latest initiative of public benefit the youths from the Muslim community in Varna will manage to find the so sought “key to goodness” which, however, does not only unlocks goodness in the hearts of people, but also locks their indifference to the problems and the fate of the others…
Author: L. Chausheva